The Manurewa Club was first established in 1964, by various local business personnel and local residents of Manurewa.

Since its humble beginnings the club has grown exponentially over the last 50 years to a membership of approximately 4500 members.

With the growth we envisage over the next few years, we aim to position the Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club as one of the premier Clubs within New Zealand.

We hope you enjoy your visit to our club, and offer you our extensive facilities for your time with us, along with our friendship and hospitality.

A chance visit to the newly opened Otahuhu Workingmen’s Club in the early 1960s prompted a group of fellows in Manurewa to seek ways and means of forming a Club in the area.

This was in the days of the infamous 6 o’clock closing, when the nearest watering establishments were the Papakura Pub, the recently built Bell Bird Hotel and Charlie Nicks at Otahuhu. Manurewa RSA was the only private Club in the area available, but facilities were fairly basic so the idea for a more suitable Club was formed.

Peter Dyson and Neale Ladd were among the early movers and they enlisted the support of local well known businessman Percy Hynds who had the reputation of being a ‘go-getter’, as anticipated Percy was enthusiastic and Ray Underwood was recruited, followed by J Kemp, PD Munn, N Inder, FJ Henderson and D Lester. These likely lads actually recorded the first minutes of the Club at a meeting held at PJ Hynds residence on March 5 1963.

The inaugural public meeting was held on Wednesday April 3 1963, at the Manurewa RSA. Support was overwhelming and it was not long before the Club had decided upon the name of Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club. Subscription and nomination fee stood at 4 pounds and many members paid this off over a period of weeks. Fund raising was by way of debentures and initially a number of social functions were held in the Alfriston Hall.

Site selection proved a problem and a Great South Road proposal received adverse responses from a local church group citing it as a den of vice and evil. Nathan homestead was also offered by the Council but declined on account of location and enormous renovation costs.

The final site on what was known as the “Collie and McGruther Estate” proved ideal, but on the eve of collecting the building permit the Government announced in their budget that all new commercial buildings over a certain value had to be delayed by 18 months. Very intense lobbying and an appeal for common sense to prevail saw the permit granted and the first sod turned in June 1965.

In November 1965 a mysterious fire is quelled in the bar area and on December 8th Waikato Draught flows into the Club.

On March 19 1966 His Excellency Sir Bernard Fergusson finally turns the key at the Official Opening ceremony attended by a large gathering of people.