Over 60s Section

This section hosts the senior members of our Club who meet at 9:45am on the first Monday of each month except January. Guest speakers are invited to entertain and inform members on a wide variety of topics or present musical items.

Morning tea is provided.

The bus trip every 2nd month is extremely popular with this being arranged for the third Thursday of the month.

A new Calendar of Events for meeting and bus trip dates will be available at the meeting in October. Eligible Club members are welcome to join us at 9:45am on the designated Mondays. We have an average attendance of 100.

If you would like more information, please contact:
Convenor: Terry Dahl - 027 211 7114

Important Dates:
Monday 3rd February - Section meeting at 10:00am
Thursday 20th or 27th February - Bus Trip (depends on availability)
Monday 3rd March - Section meeting at 10:00am
Monday 7th April - Section meeting at 10:00am
Thursday 24th April - Bus Trip
Monday 5th May - Section meeting at 10:00am
Monday 9th June - Section meeting at 10:00am
Thursday 19th or 26th June - Bus Trip (depends on availability)
Monday 7th July - Section meeting at 10:00am
Monday 4th August - Annual General Meeting
Thursday 21st or 28th August - Bus Trip (depends on availability)

Section Activities:
